○ ○ Fei ○ ○

Hello! I'm Fei, I'm a graphic designer student and also a freelance illustrator!I love drawing fanarts and my OCs



Contact :

Commission Price List


  • Commercial: Direct Profit +200% Total

  • Commercial: Indirect Profit +100% Total

  • Commercial Media Promotion +50% Total

  • + Character : + 100%

  • + Add Creature/Detailed Property/Item : + 5K - 50K / + $10 - $25

  • Background* : + 5K - 50K / + $10 - $25

*solid color, pattern gradien or simple Background are freePayment after sketch fix

Style A

Commission typePrice
HeadshotIDR 70K/ $ 20
Bust UpIDR 85K/ $ 25
Half BodyIDR 100K/ $ 30
Full BodyIDR 200k/ $ 60

Style B

Commission typePrice
Bust UpIDR 70K/ $ 20
Half BodyIDR 85K/ $ 25
Full BodyIDR 120k/ $ 35

Style C

Commission typePrice
Bust UpIDR 50K/ $ 15
Half BodyIDR 70K/ $ 20
Full BodyIDR 100k/ $ 30

Chibi Artstyle

Commission typePrice
Full Body OnlyIDR 85k/ $ 25

Terms of Service

Hanya menerima satu tipe komisi: Full rendered drawing
Only accept 1 types of commission: Full rendered drawing
Tolong kirim referensi komisi sedetail mungkin
Please send me your references as detailed as possible
Jika saya merasa tidak mampu untuk memenuhi permintaan klien, saya berhak menolak orderan
I have the right to decline your order if I couldn’t fulfill your request!

Pembayaran bisa 100% di awal setelah sketsa disetujui atau 50% setelah sketsa disetujui lalu pelunasan jika komisi sudah selesai
Payment must be 100% upfront after sketch or 50% upfront after sketch and the rest is after the commission finished

● Maksimal 3 kali revisi, jika lebih akan diberi biaya tambahan
○ Max 2 times revision, additional revisions will incur an extra fee
● TIDAK MENERIMA REVISI SETELAH TAHAP RENDERING (Final Step). Mohon hanya untuk meminta revisi sebelum tahap rendering dimulai, atau ini bisa dikomunikasikan jika hanya revisi minor
○ I DO NOT ACCEPTING REVISION AFTER RENDERING PHASE (Final Step). Please only ask for revisions before I start the rendering phase, or this can be communicated if it is only a very minor revision

● WIP akan dikirim secara bertahap (sketch - lineart - base color - rendering wip)
○ I will constantly sending WIP (sketch - lineart - base color - rendering wip)
● Klien akan segera diberi informasi jika terjadi masalah selama pengerjaan komisi
○ I will notify you if i have a problem during the commission
● File yang dikirim berupa file format PNG (final artwork, transparent ver jika komisi menggunakan solid color background, dan versi dengan watermark) melalui email
○ File will be delivered in PNG format (final artwork, transparent version if it's solid background, and watermarked version) by email

● Saya memiliki hak untuk memposting hasil komisi di sosial media dan memasukkan hasil komisi ke dalam portofolio saya, kecuali klien meminta sebaliknya
○ I am allowed to post the artwork on my social media and including it on my portfolio, unless requested otherwise
● Jika ingin memposting hasil komisi ke sosial media, mohon untuk mencantumkan credit
○ If you want to upload the artwork on social media, please credit me
● DILARANG menggunakan gambar saya untuk training AI, NFT, dan sejenisnya
○ You are not allowed to use my art for AI purposes, NFT, and alike
● Mohon untuk tidak menghapus hasil komisi dengan watermark
○ Please do not delete the artwork with watermark, or remove the watermark

● Uang klien akan di refund jika komisi tidak bisa diselesaikan
○ I only accept refund requests if I can't send the final artwork


  • Mecha (Robot)

  • NSFW (Hentai, Smut, 21+) but slight gore is okay

  • Old people

  • Animal (except : Cat, Rabbit, Bear, Dog)

Tidak menerima order cepat karena proses menggambar yang cukup lama, jadi estimasi selesai 3-4 minggu!*Not accepting quick orders. My drawing progress is not fast. The drawing will be complete in 3-4 weeks!*

*bisa lebih lama atau lebih cepat tergantung kondisi irl dan list order/ May took longer or faster depending on the queue and my real life situation