○ ○ Fei ○ ○

Hello! I'm Fei, I'm a graphic designer student and also a freelance illustrator!I love drawing fanarts and my OCs
Contact :
Commission Price List
Commercial: Direct Profit +200% Total
Commercial: Indirect Profit +100% Total
Commercial Media Promotion +50% Total
+ Character : + 100%
+ Add Creature/Detailed Property/Item : + 5K - 50K / + $10 - $25
Background* : + 5K - 50K / + $10 - $25
*solid color, pattern gradien or simple Background are freePayment after sketch fix
Style A
Commission type | Price |
Headshot | IDR 70K/ $ 20 |
Bust Up | IDR 85K/ $ 25 |
Half Body | IDR 100K/ $ 30 |
Full Body | IDR 200k/ $ 60 |
Style B
Commission type | Price |
Bust Up | IDR 70K/ $ 20 |
Half Body | IDR 85K/ $ 25 |
Full Body | IDR 120k/ $ 35 |
Style C
Commission type | Price |
Bust Up | IDR 50K/ $ 15 |
Half Body | IDR 70K/ $ 20 |
Full Body | IDR 100k/ $ 30 |
Chibi Artstyle
Commission type | Price |
Full Body Only | IDR 85k/ $ 25 |
Terms of Service
Hanya menerima satu tipe komisi: Full rendered drawing
Only accept 1 types of commission: Full rendered drawingTolong kirim referensi komisi sedetail mungkin
Please send me your references as detailed as possibleJika saya merasa tidak mampu untuk memenuhi permintaan klien, saya berhak menolak orderan
I have the right to decline your order if I couldn’t fulfill your request!
Pembayaran bisa 100% di awal setelah sketsa disetujui atau 50% setelah sketsa disetujui lalu pelunasan jika komisi sudah selesai
Payment must be 100% upfront after sketch or 50% upfront after sketch and the rest is after the commission finished
● Maksimal 3 kali revisi, jika lebih akan diberi biaya tambahan
○ Max 2 times revision, additional revisions will incur an extra fee● TIDAK MENERIMA REVISI SETELAH TAHAP RENDERING (Final Step). Mohon hanya untuk meminta revisi sebelum tahap rendering dimulai, atau ini bisa dikomunikasikan jika hanya revisi minor
○ I DO NOT ACCEPTING REVISION AFTER RENDERING PHASE (Final Step). Please only ask for revisions before I start the rendering phase, or this can be communicated if it is only a very minor revision
● WIP akan dikirim secara bertahap (sketch - lineart - base color - rendering wip)
○ I will constantly sending WIP (sketch - lineart - base color - rendering wip)● Klien akan segera diberi informasi jika terjadi masalah selama pengerjaan komisi
○ I will notify you if i have a problem during the commission● File yang dikirim berupa file format PNG (final artwork, transparent ver jika komisi menggunakan solid color background, dan versi dengan watermark) melalui email
○ File will be delivered in PNG format (final artwork, transparent version if it's solid background, and watermarked version) by email
● Saya memiliki hak untuk memposting hasil komisi di sosial media dan memasukkan hasil komisi ke dalam portofolio saya, kecuali klien meminta sebaliknya
○ I am allowed to post the artwork on my social media and including it on my portfolio, unless requested otherwise● Jika ingin memposting hasil komisi ke sosial media, mohon untuk mencantumkan credit
○ If you want to upload the artwork on social media, please credit me● DILARANG menggunakan gambar saya untuk training AI, NFT, dan sejenisnya
○ You are not allowed to use my art for AI purposes, NFT, and alike● Mohon untuk tidak menghapus hasil komisi dengan watermark
○ Please do not delete the artwork with watermark, or remove the watermark
● Uang klien akan di refund jika komisi tidak bisa diselesaikan
○ I only accept refund requests if I can't send the final artwork
Mecha (Robot)
NSFW (Hentai, Smut, 21+) but slight gore is okay
Old people
Animal (except : Cat, Rabbit, Bear, Dog)
Tidak menerima order cepat karena proses menggambar yang cukup lama, jadi estimasi selesai 3-4 minggu!*Not accepting quick orders. My drawing progress is not fast. The drawing will be complete in 3-4 weeks!*
*bisa lebih lama atau lebih cepat tergantung kondisi irl dan list order/ May took longer or faster depending on the queue and my real life situation